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2023 TCRC Club Christmas Party

On December 9, 2023 the TC_RC held our annual Christmas Party and awards banquet. The turnout was fantastic, and the food was even better.  The buffet included ham, turkey, candied yams, collards, rolls, mac and cheese and deviled eggs.  And this was before a huge table of deserts.   All of which (from homemade cookies to ice cream cake) were fantastic.  During the event the annual awards were presented to the winning members in each category.  However, to start things off David Haynesworth not only won the second chance gold ingot but the Xtreme Scoop giveaway.  Congrats to David for sure.


The annual club awards winners were:

1- Perfect Attendance:  Doug Parker and Gary Gray

2- 1st Place Wild Card:  Billy Matthews

3- 1st Place Relic Category:  Doug Parker

4- 1st Place Jewelry:  Billy Matthews

5- 1st Place Coin:  Doug Parker

6- 1st Place Modern:  Billy Matthews

7- Hunter of the Year: 

----1st Place:     Billy Matthews

----2nd Place:   Doug Parker

----3rd Place:    Greg Stoeger









In addition to the awards Steve Czarny solved the 6-clue mystery location while braving a swarm of angry ground bees to recover the club talisman.  Way to go Steve and we can't wait for the first clue of the next chapter of the hunt for the talisman.  We also held the Pollyanna gift exchange.  And believe me there were a table full of great gifts.


From the look of smiles and the sound of laughter all in attendance had a great time and went home with full bellies.  As always, the food was great, but the comradery and fellowship were even better.


Great job to the members, organizers, caterers and all of the winners.


Copyright 2024 Tidewater Coin and Relic Club
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